"All mechanically produced objects should have not just a touch of art and industry, but they should strive for an intimate association with it." (Peter Behrens)
In Sept. 1907 Peter Behrens was employed as the first industrial designer. His terms of reference at the "Allgemeine Electricitaets Gesellschaft (AEG)" consisted the design of graphic and exhibition design. In 1908he designed products and later even buildings.
The leading engineer of the company Paul Jordan who recruited him said: "Even an engineer buying an engine does not disassemble it. The expert buyes with the external impresssion. An engine must look like a birthday present."
Behrens aim was a synthesis of art and technology transforming it to culture. This was covered with the aim of companys owner Emil Rathenau, who wanted to improve the quality of product and find new applications for them.
In the deep ornamental time of art deco, AEG's product showed a clear and qualitative appeares. It was the first time "artists" were involved in industrial process close to the engineers.